Friday, July 11, 2008

Wrong Number

"wrong number" this is the expression we always used to hear when we use the phone then dial the numbers wrongly.ha ha ha.. What a shameful thing you'll ever did?*winks* But what does it feel if we didn't use the phone then someone speak to you that way???hmm *confusing, right?* Here's for you to understand, it's an idiomatic expression if you are admiring someone, then yah right you admire him in a way that you can't avoid the smile covering your face or maybe there's a thing tickling your heart when you see him. My heart beats faster and faster when i see him coming then look at me, smile then say my name "marga"! Gosh what a giggling moment! Unexplainable feeling that runs into my blood, veins, muscles and bones..But days passed, then you found out that all the unforgettable moments was just an ordinary moment for him cause he's heart is taken. He has his special someone. =( sad but nothing to cry about cause it's just an infatuation. There's only some part in him that caught my attention. That's the "wrong number" means to me.

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